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TypeScript 入坑介绍

What is TypeScript?

  1. 1、TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  2. 2、Includes all features of ES6 and much more: types, interfaces, generics, etc...
  3. 3、Its main goal is to simplify the development and maintenance of large scale JS applications.


  1. 1、Type annotations
  2. 2、Interfaces
  3. 3、Generics
  4. 4、Enums
  5. 5、Modules
  6. 6、ECMAScript features
  7. 7、Many more

Who is using TypeScript?

Why TypeScript?

  1. 1、Types prevents bugs
  2. 2、Makes code more readable
  3. 3、TS aims at supporting the most of the new ES features.
  4. 4、Support of most of the major IDEs makes code navigation and refactoring much easier.
  5. 5、TS 1.8 announced JSX support which means it can be effectively used for React development. If you’re into these sort of things
  6. 6、Created & maintained by Anders Hejlsberg GitHub
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Basic Example

    let size: number = 3
    let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3]
    let person: string = "Marco"
    size = 'Polo' //Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

    enum Color {Red = 1, Green, Blue}
    let c: Color = Color.Green
    let colorName: string = Color[2]

Special "any" type allow all kinds of values

    let foo: any
    foo = 2
    foo = 'Paris'
    foo = [1, 2, 3]

Complex types can be defined inline

    let user: {
      name: string,
      age: number,
      address: {
        city: string,
        country: string

    user = { name: 'Marco', age: 20 } // Property 'address' is missing

Properties can be optional if followed by "?"

    let user: {
      name: string,
      age: number,
      address?: {
        city: string,
        country: string

    user = { name: 'Marco', age: 20 } // OK


    interface User {
      name: string
      age: number
      address: Address
    interface Address {
      city: string
      country: string

    let user: User

Public, private, and protected

    class Person {
      title: string
      protected name: string
      private lastname: string
    const user = new Person()
    user.title = 'MR' = 'Rob' // Error
    user.lastname = 'Willson' // Error


    npm i typescript@next -g

    tsc hello.ts


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